
How do I join the program?

You can become a Member of the OdoClub program by signing up on our website and then selecting the automobile dealership where you’d like to spend your OdoClub Reward Miles from our list of participating dealerships, or you can visit the participating dealership of your choice and they can sign you up in person. Signing up will take less than five minutes of your time and will make it possible for you to earn significant discounts from your affiliated dealership.

Does Membership cost me anything?

No. Membership of OdoClub is absolutely free and will never cost you anything.

Will you share my private information with others?

No. OdoClub is committed to maintaining your privacy and we will never sell or disclose your personal information to any third party except where required to do so by applicable State and Federal laws.

What if I want to choose an automobile dealership that isn’t on your list?

OdoClub is continually expanding its market presence and we encourage you to contact the dealership and suggest they participate in our program. Alternatively, you can use our website to select the nearest participating dealership in your region based on the particular make of automobile you are most interested in.

I love your 3-D driving experience and I wonder if it’s going to expand in future?

Yes, we’re committed to continual enhancement of the OdoClub virtual driving experience and you will definitely see additions and extensions in the coming months and years.

Can I invite friends to become OdoClub Members?

Absolutely. Through our Invite-A-Friend function you can invite as many friends as you want to participate in OdoClub.

Can I sign up members of my family?

You can sign up any family member who is at least eighteen years of age. Each OdoClub member, however, must be associated with a different vehicle. In other words, two or more OdoClub Members can’t claim the same miles on the same vehicle.

How often do I need to visit my OdoClub home page in order to keep my Membership active?

In order to keep your Membership active and be eligible to receive discounts on purchases at your affiliated dealership, you need to visit OdoClub and update your miles at least once every thirty days. We’ll send you a reminder email if you go more than thirty days between updates.

Can I switch dealerships?

Absolutely. However, only credits for miles driven are transferable.

Can I redeem my OdoClub miles for money?

No, OdoClub miles are not transferable between individuals in exchange for financial consideration and nor are they redeemable for money through participating dealerships or through OdoClub Inc.

What happens if my Membership lapses?

If you go for three months without logging into your OdoClub account and updating your miles, your Membership will lapse and the miles in your account will be devalued according to the schedule determined and published by your affiliated dealership. You can reactivate your OdoClub account at any time by logging on and updating your miles. New miles will not be subject to devaluation so long as you keep your account active by logging on and updating your miles every month.

Is there a limit to how many OdoClub Miles I can accumulate in a year?

The dealership you select publishes its schedule on our website and you can check there to see the applicable rules and limits that have been selected by that particular dealership.

What happens if I replace my current car?

If you sell your existing vehicle and replace it with a different one, all you need to do is update your details in My Account by entering the new vehicle VIN number, registration, and current mileage and then going to your dealership to have them validate the change. Please be sure to take your vehicle registration document to the dealership when you go there so that they can confirm you are the legally registered keeper of the new vehicle. If you replace your current vehicle by buying a new or pre-owned vehicle from your dealership, you can remind them to validate the change at time of sale.

When I try to view the simulated driving experience my screen stays blank for a long time. Then when the driving experience does start, it starts and stops at random. What can I do to fix this?

Like many advanced websites, OdoClub uses sophisticated Flash animation for the 3-D driving experience. For the best performance you will need high-speed Internet access of at least 1Mb per second and at least 1Gb of memory (RAM) in your computer. If you’re not sure what your bandwidth is, you can contact your Internet Service Provider and they will tell you. If you are using a computer with the Windows operating system, you can find out how much RAM you have by right-clicking the My Computer icon and selecting Properties. This will open the System Properties window and you can view the amount of physical memory installed under the General tab. If you are using Macintosh OS X, you can see you much RAM is installed in your computer by choosing "About This Mac" from the Apple menu. This is located in the far upper left-hand corner of the screen. To find out how much memory is being used, open the Activity Monitor program, located in the Utilities folder (within the Applications folder). Then click the System Memory button near the bottom of the window to see how much memory your system is currently using

The OdoClub program sounds too good to be true. What’s the catch?

There is no catch! Just like airline rewards programs, OdoClub ensures that everyone gets more of what they want. Just as airline rewards programs help the airlines benefit from enhanced customer loyalty and lets customers get free tickets and upgrades, so the OdoClub program helps dealerships achieve greater customer loyalty by enabling you to earn reward miles as you drive. With OdoClub it really does pay to drive, and everyone wins.

Will I get bombarded with spam if I sign up?

Absolutely not. We will not share your personal information with any third party except where required to do so by law. The only emails you receive from OdoClub will be those you ask for, such as alerts on good deals for the car you are interested in, and reminder emails in the event you forget to update your miles within the specified thirty-day period.

How do I validate my miles?

To validate your miles at the beginning of your Membership you will need to go to the dealership you are affiliated with so an authorized person can check your odometer. Even though you’ll update your miles monthly on your personalized OdoClub web page, you won’t have to go to the dealership again until you want to redeem miles for a purchase or service.

How long will it take me to update my miles each month?

Updating your miles will be a fun experience as it occurs by way of a simulated driving experience. The whole experience will take less than three minutes per month.

Can I earn more miles than I drive?

Yes, you can. There will be optional questionnaires that will carry miles bonuses and there will from time to time be dealership incentives that will carry miles bonuses, so you are not limited only to the miles you put on your registered vehicle.

How can I unsubscribe from monthly reminders?

Visit your My Account page, and click on the "Stop reminders" button to the right of the page.

How do I cancel my membership?

Visit your My Account page, and click on the "Request to cancel my membership" button on the right. A Support representative will be notified and will promptly process your request.

If you don't see the answer to your question contact us at

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